Protect your manufacturing safety
Protect your assets and essential equipment against unforeseen damages and breakdowns, ensuring the continuity of your manufacturing operations.
In the event of business interruption caused by unforeseen events, this coverage provides vital financial protection to compensate for income losses and maintain the stability of your company.
Whether importing or exporting your products, this coverage protects you against risks associated with maritime transport, ensuring the safety of your goods during transit.
This coverage provides protection against third-party claims for damages caused by your products, whether in the Canadian market or abroad, allowing you to confidently market your manufactured products.
In the event of needing to recall your products due to safety or non-compliance reasons, this coverage includes the costs associated with the recall, thus protecting your reputation and finances.
Protect yourself against financial losses resulting from your customers’ failure to pay their debts, enabling you to increase your financing margins with your financial institution.
Protect yourself against the costs of cleanup and claims related to environmental damages caused by your manufacturing activities, thus ensuring your regulatory compliance and social responsibility.
This coverage protects you against claims arising from manufacturing errors, omissions or defects, ensuring your professional responsibility and the reputation of the products you manufacture.